Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Subtleties&Stuffe Sir Theodore Mayerne Knight

Archimagirus Anglo-gallicus

Sir Theodore Turquet de Mayerne was a well known physician in the courts of England's James I and Charles I. Born in Geneva in 1573, he studied at the University of Heidelberg before obtaining his medical degree at the University of Montpellier in 1596. A Huguenot, Theodore Turquet became a Paracelsian and Hermetic physician. He quickly became part of the medical establishment serving in the French court  as a "médecin ordinaire"  to Henri IV. In 1605 he cured an ill Lord Norreys of Rycote during a visit to France. Lord Norreys invited the physician to visit England and treat Queen Anne, wife of James I. He made a number of valuable contacts in England and following the assassination of Henri IV, Theodore moved to England permanently in 1611. Known now as simply Theodore de Mayerne, he became a popular and very rich London physician. He helped to publish the papers of Thomas Moffett on insects and supported the campaign of the Apothecaries to break away from the control of the Grocers. He was knighted in 1624. During the reigns of James I and Charles I he functioned in part as a diplomat and personal physician to the queens. He managed to survive through the English Civil War, dying in 1655.

The cookbook credited to him is: 
Archimagirus anglo-gallicus: or, Excellent & approved receipts and experiments in cookery Together with the best way of preserving. As also, rare formes of sugar-works: according to the French mode, and English manner. Copied from a choice manuscript of Sir Theodore Mayerne Knight, physician to the late K. Charles. Magistro artis, edere est ease. 

It was published in 1658 and it has been suggested that the work is a fake, compiled to cash in on Mayerne's fame. The recipes in many cases can be traced to earlier printed works.

Here are two of the book's recipes on sugar-work.

132. To cast all kind of standing conceipts in Sugar-works.
Take a pound of double refined sugar, and boyle it to a Candie heigh, with as much Rose-vvater as vvill melt it, then your double moulds, being vvatered two houres, first powre the sugar into those moulds, and when it is cold, you may take them out, and they will be birds, or beasts, according to your moulds, this standing conceipt, you may garnish your March pane with.

133. To cast all kind of fruits hollow into turned works, to put them into their natural colours, as Oranges e mmons, Cowcumbers, Radishes, Apples, or Peares.
Take your moulds, being made of Allabastar, every mould being in two pieces, your moulds being watered, and the sugar being boiled to a Candy heigh, fill the one half of the mould with the hot sugar, and turn the mould round about in your hand, and the fruits will be hollow.


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