Sunday, April 12, 2015

Subtleties&Stuffe Guybert Part III

Guybert Part III

Guybert's The Charitable Apothecary then moves on to include information boiling sugar for electuaries and syrups.

CHAP. XVIII. To boyle Sugar and Honey to the height to make Electuaries.

TAke the decoction or infusion with the Sugar, and boyle them upon a char-coale fire well kindled to the height that it ought to be boyled unto.

The which you shall know by taking a little upon the end of the spatule or silver spoone, and putting it upon a trencher, which being cold, will not scarce runne without you stirre it with your fingers, which will bee very glutinous. Also when it stayeth upon the spoon or spatule, and will not runne, but drop out in little bits as it were.

The honey will be boyld also in the same fashion, preparing it as followes.

The honey being clarified as is written in the first Chapter of this Treatise, and boyled to the height which you shall know by taking a little and putting it upon a trencher and it stay upon the trencher being cold and doth not runne; then take it from the fire and use it, or if you will keep it, let it be a little cold, and then put it into a pot fitting, and tye a paper over it being pricktfull of small holes with a needle, that no durt nor flies get into it, and when it is cold tye it over with a double paper, and keep it in a temperate place, and when you will use it, you need but weigh the quantity you shall need and heat it in a skillet or vessell fitting for the same.

CHAP. XX. To know when Syrups are boyled enough.

NOte that to make Syrups with infusions or decoctions, there is put sometimes three parts of Sugar to a quantity of infusion or decoction, as for example three quarterns of Sugar to a pint of infusion or decoction; also there be those Syrups that are put as much Sugar as decoction, and some not so much, therefore this is no generall rule.

The Syrups ought to bee boyled softly upon the furnace upon a charcoale fire, taking it from the fire when it is boyled, and scumming of it with a pierced spoone or silver spoone.

When the Syrup beginneth to boyle, the fume will goe out very strong; but when it is boyled or neere being boyled, you shall see the fume very well diminished.
To know better, take a little upon the spoone or spatule and let it fall, and if it make a thred it is boyled. [p79-80]

Also in taking a little between the thumbe and one of the fingers it maketh a thred it is enough, or in putting a little upon a trencher, and it runneth drop by drop and maketh a thred.

And when it is boyled, take it from the fire and let it coole in the bason, then put it into a pot and cover it with a paper full of holes made with a needle, that nothing falleth into it, and when it is cold cover it with a double paper, and keepe it in a temperate place.

CHAP. XXI. To Remedie Syrups that are to much boyled, and those which are to little, and those which are Candied.

IF the Syrups be to much boyled, put a little of the decoction, or infusion, or juyce, the which it is made with, and let it boyle a little to come to the true height.
If they be not boyled enough, you must put them upon the fire and boyle them to their consistance; for those Syrups which are candied, you must warme some of the decoction or juyce that it is made with, and poure it into the Candie, and so dissolve that which is candied, and boyle it to the height. [p 80-81]

The work also includes recipes for dry and liquid preserves, preserved oranges, citron, candied citron, apple preserves, ginger, quinces, marmalade, pears, walnuts, cherries, and dried comfits or candies.

This last recipe reads:

Of Drie Comfits or Candies.

TAke the Cortex or Rinde of Citrons, Oranges, Lymons, or any other barke or fruit, boyle them first in faire water, having first infus'd them, then boyle them in Sugar to the height, and then take them and dry them.

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