Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Subtleties&Stuffe Hannah Wolley The Queen-like Closet Part II

Hannah Wolley's The Queen-like Closet

Here are two more recipes from Wolley's The Queen-like Closet of 1670.

 A sugar paste recipe:
CCXXXI. The making of Sugar-Plate and casting of it into Moulds.

Take one Pound of double refin'd Sugar beaten and searced, and three Ounces of pure white Starch beaten and searced, then have some Gum-Dragon steeped in Rosewater, and put some of it with the Sugar and Starch and a little of Ambergreece into a Mortar, and beat them till they come to a perfect Paste, you must also put in a little white of an Egg with the Gum, then mould it with searced Sugar, then dust your Moulds with Sugar, then roul out your Paste and lay it into the Mould, pressing it down into every hollow part with your fingers, and when it hath taken impression, knock the Mould on the edge against a Table and it will come out, or you may help it with the point of your knife; if you find you have put in too much Gum then add more Sugar, if too much Sugar then more Gum, work it up as fast as you can, when they come out of the Moulds trim them handsomely; if you would make saucers, dishes, or bowls, you must rowl it out thin and put your Paste into a saucer, dish, or bowl for a Mould, and let them stand therein till they be very dry, then guild them on the edges with the white of an Egg laid round about the edge with a pencil, and press the Gold down with some Cotton, and when it is dry brush off the superfluous loose Gold with the foot of an Hare, and if you would have your Paste exceeding smooth, as for Cards or the like, then roul your Paste upon a slicked paper with a very smooth Rouling-pin, if you would colour any of it, you must take the searced powder of any Herbs or Flowers, first dryed, and put to it when you beat it in a Mortar with the Gum. [pp 144-145]

A recipe for candying whole spices and other things:

CCXXXIX. To Candy whole Spices with a hard Rock-Candy.
Take one Pound of fine Sugar, and eight spoonfuls of Rosewater, and the weight of sixpence of Gum. Arabick that is clear, boil them together till a drop will run as small as a hair; then put it into an earthen Pipkin, and having before steeped your spices one night or two in Rosewater, put your spices into the Pipkin, and stop it up close that no Air get in, keep it in a hot place three weeks, then break your Pot with a Hammer.
Thus you may do with preserved Oranges and Limons, any kinds of Fruits and Flowers, or Herbs if you please. [p 149]

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